Agriculture is very important in Morocco and hence is the largest employer in the country. It employs approximately 40% of the country’s workforce. Most of the agriculture takes place in the coastal regions of Morocco. The soil along the Atlantic coast and also in the valleys are extremely fertile. The combination of rain and a warm climate in these areas is perfect for the growth of fruit and vegetables during the summer and cereals during the winter. 95% of the population live in the central and northern regions of Morocco because of these fertile plains.

Even though Morocco has many fertile lands, the regular droughts make it difficult for enough food to be produced for export as well as providing for the country. However, the production of export crops is being increased in Morocco because of the introduction of irrigation. Some of these export crops include; cotton, tobacco, sunflowers and soya beans. The only foods that Morocco can’t produce enough of to feed the country are; grains, sugar, coffee and tea. A large amount of fruit and veg is grown in Morocco including; melons, peppers, oranges, potatoes and tomatoes. Lemons, figs, almonds, olives and dates are also grown and are important native products in Morocco.

Livestock rearing is not restricted to one area and is found all across the country. This means that there is an abundant supply of meat and dairy products. Fishing is also popular along the coast of Morocco. 


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